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HARVESTING: Heirloom French Breakfast Radish

Radishes grow quickly and with relative ease; making them one of the more fun vegetables to grow. Of the different types of radishes, the ‘French Breakfast’ variety is probably the fastest to mature.

Radishes form best during the cooler months of the year. Warm months, on the other hand, tend to encourage leafy growth and seed production at the cost of tuber formation.

Ginger & Galangal Dig

Still trying our hand at growing ginger and its cousins. Curious about how the rhizomes will look, we go digging for them. Today, we dig up ginger and galangal. We will also look at some turmeric and cardamom plants.

Will Brake For Nurseries

Traveling along the Pacific Coast Highway between Monterey Bay and Cupertino, a native plant nursery sign was spotted. A u-turn was made and a long dirt road was traversed to reach the nursery in hopes of finding a rare-to-nursery plant. Though it was not found, we did not walk away empty-handed.

In this video, we’ll see our collection of Manzanita plants.
‘Howard McMillan’
‘Pacific Mist’
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery
1957B Highway 1, Moss Landing CA 95039

Garden Update: the Under the Weather Episode

We are at the beginning of cold and flu season. Who would have thought that I would be first one hit. Time to hit back with some tried and true remedies. Today, we forage for chicken noodle soup ingredients and take a look at what’s growing on in the raised planters.

We’ll also talk a little bit about Utah Tall celery and how to blanch them.

Permaculture Raised Planter for Strawberries

Strawberry plants seem a lot more tolerable than they are. Once it is discovered what they like, they will produce year after year. We are putting more effort in making them happy in hopes of being able to achieving perpetual strawberry growth.

One of the things that strawberries like is well draining soil. Today, we will build a raised planter to improve drainage and move them in.


With peanuts, Chinese kale, and Chesnok Red garlic from the garden we make a common yet lesser known Asian dish– taro rice.

Makes about 8 servings of taro rice
-2 cups rice
-2 cups taro, cubed
-1 cup pork, cubed
-1 tsp soy sauce
-1/2 cup shiitake mushroom

Shrimp & Gai Lan topping
-8 cups of gai lan
-16 jumbo shrimp (16-20 count/lb) or 1/2 cup
-2 clove garlic
-2 tsp oyster sauce
-2 tsp soy sauce or season to taste
-some roasted peanuts

Green Onion Battle Rd 1: Tokyo Long White vs Ishikura Long Winter

Round 1: Sowing the seeds of the ‘Tokyo Long White’ and ‘Ishikura Long Winter’ green onion.

Green onions / spring onions / scallions / bunching onions are either in delicious dishes or make dishes delicious. The two varieties mentioned will be grown in a side by side contest to observe how they grow.

My favorite scallions have been the Japanese heirloom varieties. Very easy to grow and can be grown year round in the southern California – Los Angeles area. Though an inexpensive produce it is the convenience of walking to the garden to find some that makes this plant worth it to grow. Moreover, fresh harvested scallion has more spring in its texture and is more aromatic.

HARVESTING: Klondike Striped Blue Ribbon Watermelon

Watermelon is one of those crops that seem like they ought to be easy to grow. Well, to a certain extent, they are. It is getting them sizable is where it is tricky. We did not get back large watermelons this year but instead one the size of a small dinosaur’s egg.

With success, semi-success, failure, and everything in between, we always have points of data to work from. Next year when we make our attempt, we will keep in mind the following:
1. Well draining soil
2. Rich soil
3. Sunny and warm location for the plant
4. The actual fruit prefers shade