Browse Category: Fruit

Crazy About Citrus | Ep01 Receiving Bud Wood + Rainwater Ranch Visit

“Crazy About Citrus” is a series chronicling our connection with citrus.

In this episode:
As an avid citrus collector, we will reach a point where it is necessary to attempt to acquire the skill of grafting plants. The reason for this is that more varieties of citrus exists in bud wood form than can be purchased as trees. In order to add rare citrus varieties to our collection we must now try our hand at grafting. Today we receive bud wood from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Because of the Huanglongbing disease that is terminal to citrus trees, it is necessary to acquire bud wood from certified sources as a measure to contain the spread of the disease.

Part 2: In January my family and I went on a road trip and visited with family in northern California. While planning our trip, we were invited onto a farm by the good folks that I had gotten to know through social media. These folks happen to be citrus growers. There are a few clips from that wonderful visit. Special thanks to @rainwater_ranch.

Music: Dan Lebowitz, “Blue Creek Trail”

A Thing Or Two About Fruit Trees

fruittree1For anyone interested in growing fruit tree(s) and anyone interested in how their fruit is grown.

With exception to tropical fruit, most of the commercially available fruit (citrus, apple, peach, avocado, etc) does not exist in the wild. The fruit we consume was created from selective breeding (hybridization) and accidental discovery. These fruit are mutant fruit; if you will.

“Hybridization occurs in one of three ways. People can manually cross citrus through assisted sexual reproduction, transferring pollen from one plant to another and seeding from resulting fruit. This kind of trial-and-error, wait-and-see experimentation requires great patience. Alternatively, people can hunt for desirable varieties that appear spontaneously on eccentric tree branches– mutations known as bud sports or chimeras. In the atomic age, plant breeders gained a third technique: bombarding seeds with radiation to induce mutations. (The popular Rio Red grapefruit came into being at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island.) Once a desirable varietal has been created or discovered, it must be asexually copied to be perpetuated. Citrus hybrids are unstable: sweet orange seed may sprout into a sour lemon. Only grafting produces uniform, predictable results.”

Farmer, Jared. Trees in Paradise: A California History. New York: W. W. Norton, 2013. 227-228. Print.
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March 8th, 2015: Working for more dirt

Keeping the pecan under control
Keeping the pecan under control. (Photo from earlier in the year when just one cut was made.)

The pecan that live on the slope grow quickly. It has been about three years since the slope has been trimmed back. With the help of my brother, John, we spent half the day clearing just one part of the slope back. Cutting is quick to do. Cleaning up is not so quick. The work lies in breaking down the vegetation once it has been cut.

Once broken down, most of the vegetation is reused. The leaves were mulched and will be composted. The wood from the pecan will be used as stakes, fire wood, and terracing material. Continue Reading

Gwen needs a new stake

Last summer, I duct taped another section of bamboo to support the Gwen avocado’s new height. The tree is growing steadily and is need of a new stake after the bamboo stake gave way.

Gwen avocado(Persea americana)
Gwen avocado (Persea americana)

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