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FROM THE GARDEN: Broken Rice (The Quick Version) & More

Going into the garden to forage for ingredients for Broken Rice (a Vietnamese dish). Today, we will need: lemon grass, piper lolot (Piper sarmentosum), Chesnok Red garlic, shallot, Tokyo Long White scallion, Romaine lettuce, Black Prince tomato, and Japanese cucumber.

We will see a couple of guest appearances from Ernie and Bert redfoot tortoises and Marbel the dwarf rabbit.

Planting Russian Comfrey Bocking #14 (Root Cutting)

Read and heard lots about comfrey as a plant that is used as “green manure.” It is a easy growing plant; and the leaves can be used in “chop and drop” practices.

Russian Comfrey comes in many strains and the two more popular strains are ‘Bocking #14’ and ‘Bocking #4.’ In my interest of harvesting minerals with dynamic accumulators, these two strains are being tried. I am especially drawn to #4 because of their potential to reach as deep as 8 feet.

Surprisingly, comfrey is quite expensive. While they do spread, it can take upward to 3 years to establish. Definitely make friends with someone with comfrey 😉

Behind the seeds

Sometimes I almost wished that they would stop offering free shipping. There are enough different kinds of seeds in my collection to keep me busy but the April Fool’s Day offer was another difficult one to resist. These are the seeds that arrived today (in no particular order):

Oriental Poppy. At the last house I lived in, my immediate neighbor had a cluster of these growing in his garden. They looked amazing and seeing them assured me that they will grow in my area. I tried my hand at growing these and purchased seeds (from a seed company different than the current). It took a few tries before there was successful germination. In fact, it was not until I moved to my current house did I see poppy seedlings. The seedlings grew happily in a pot until one day to my horror I found that they had been mowed down by a cut worm. To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement. Afterward and as I had hoped, they regrew. I believe that was three years ago. The surviving plant is about 8-inches in diameter and it has yet to flower.

That plant may never flower so I hope to get a new start. This time I will also direct sow the seeds as it is written that they prefer that over being transplanted. Continue Reading

Digging Daikon

In the permaculture sphere, daikon radish is an important plant. With long tap roots, daikon is also known as a dynamic accumulator. Dynamic accumulators are plants that mine minerals from the soil. With a large root, daikon grow deep below to absorb and bring minerals to the surface for the vegetables and other plants in the garden. They make a great cover crop– easy to grow and grows aggressively.

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More planting

IMG_1251_1It was finally decided that the purple fountain grass (pennisetum setaceum) would be dug up to make way for the young moringa (moringa oleifera) tree.

Purple fountain grass is a popular and inexpensive landscape plant. In California where the affects of drought are being felt, this “water efficient” plant is finding itself into a lot of dirt. It is an aggressive plant, grows quickly, and grows to cover a good amount of ground. This grass is a landscaper favorite to install. It was one of two that were installed when the front yard was professionally landscaped in 2013.

Since its installation, it was found that the fountain grass is a plant that I both loved and hated. I loved its deep color and that it produces straw to be used. However, I disliked how massive it would grow.

The blades of the fountain grass on the ground in the picture above illustrates the plant’s 8 foot diameter coverage. Moreover, aggressiveness of this plant is considered by the National Parks Service as an ecological threat. Source: Something to consider when selecting this plant.

With this cluster of purple fountain grass removed, there remains one other cluster of grass on the property. While there are reasons to remove that one as well, it is hard to forget that the grass can be harvested for use. With that in mind. Its fate is still being determined.


IMG_7026_1Along the public right of way (sidewalk), potatoes have been planted. With so many plants to grow, potatoes have been an afterthought. As far as if they will grow well during this time of year that is to be determined.

IMG_7010_1Lastly, the plumeria with spiral flowers was planted. This house now joins the other houses in the community with plumeria planted out front.

Moved The New Zealand Flax

Out in Front Garden it was time for the New Zealand flax (phormium tenax) to give up its spot. The flax was moved to a different part of the yard. In its place a mulberry (morus) tree was planted. The tiny tree was grown from a cutting by my brother.

The spot where the tree lives now has a very awkward transition between the dirt, steps, and concrete walk way. Originally, the flax was planted to mask this awkward transition. The flax offered a good deal of landscape appeal. Other than that, it is somewhat of a maintenance hog. The blades when they die off become dry and fibrous. The dried blades are difficult to cut and thus are difficult to remove. For those considering New Zealand flax as a landscape plant, my advice is to consider the maintenance aspect.

With the flax no longer covering the awkward transition a daylily was selected. The ‘Fire of Fuji’ double reblooming daylily (hemerocallis) was divided and planted at the base of the young mulberry tree.

In terms of permaculture design, the mulberry will be allow to grow to about five feet tall. At the base, different plants will make their home through the seasons. In their  first season, the mulberry and daylilies will also share ground with elephant garlic and oriental lilies.

Front Garden mulberry tree
Front Garden with mulberry tree just planted